Wednesday, November 5, 2008

AP gets Political

Howdy ya'll and yippe kay yay!

Me greeting you this way does not necessarily mean though that I support McCain but what I wouldn't do to have a little bumpy bumpy time with the old man. I always did like more mature folk. Too bad for him OBAMA managed to suck on more of us than he did.

Let me get something to you straight! I hate both candidates and I love both of them as well. You know that I want to rim both of them for their sexy policies and hopes and dreams, but I also want to squirt my juices into their eyes for the fact that they're politicians, and guess what penises and pussies? All politicians are LIARS!

Look at Gordon Brown that fat ass, the hope for Britain, stunning disappointment he was except for the swimsuit calendar he released featuring him and Her Royal Sexy-ness.

So that's all I'm saying on the matter folks. America finally got its first black President and I orgasm in joy, but lets not forget that he's a politician and therefore the hope we place in him will be his biggest downfall.

Till next time,
Remember, ball sacks are not hackey sacks, never kick them if they fall down,
Hugs and Kisses


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